Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Vocabulary

English is a most adaptable and a changing language. It accommodates the best and worst from everywhere, and is a language that is made to change often. Why, English has almost twice the vocabulary of any other single language, and the get the idea. The new Oxford Dictionary of English is out and there are some more vocab terns for your study, new words and phrases of the , uh, "unconventional" ilk.
Among the new entries this year are "potty-mouthed" (meaning using or characterized by bad language), "lush" (a new form of the old reliable "lush", this one means "very good") and "scopophilla" (sexual pleasure derived chiefly from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sex).
And how about the latest techno word, "phishing" (those phony e mails that imitate real sites and ask you to give your bank account or social security number so the phisher can steal from you)? Or the new words that are formed by joining two old words together, as in "chugger" (someone who approaches pasers-by in the street asking them for donations for a charity).
Another merged term to make the dictionary this year is "labradoodle" (a cross between a labrador retriever and a poodle). Want to insult me for writing about these stupid words? No problem. Try calling me a "chuckle head" There are now about 350 new words to insult idiots like me.
But if you do... I will hurl the new language at you in increasing streams. Why, I might say that, "Your potty-mouthed but lush descriptions of my stupidity makes me want to go chugging with my labradoodle for a defense fund to fight back.

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