Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bush Gets Reevaluated

Here is a refreshing poll result, and it's about time! Here in November of 2006 almost 60% of Americans polled recently say they are..uh....not impressed with the honesty an ethics of George Bush and his administration. Almost 56% said they do not think Bush is an honest person according to an AP-Ipsos poll taken this week.
This is a reflection of how Bush and company has deceived the 51% of Americans who voted for his twice in presidential elections. Bush promised in his first campaign for the presidency to uphold the "honor and integrity" of the U.S. presidency, but the entire administration the past 6 years has been a cesspool of lies, corruption and deceit from Bush down to his advisers and workers. A So now my fellow Americans finally see that Bush is not what he pretends to be. He is now also seen as being "stubborn" (one need only look at the fiasco of the Iraqi War to see that) by 80% of respondents and his job approval rating is at an all-time low, at 37%.
So why did 51% of Americans vote for Bush? That is something many people outside of my country ask me. I shrug my shoulders and give a half-hearted answer- the deception of the Bush campaign, fear instilled by Bush operatives that nudges some to vote for him, phony issues injected in his campaigns (patriotism, religion etc.) that have little to do with the presidential job description but that are vote getters, the bitter partisanship in America between conservatives and liberals etc.
But more, I think people like Bush get elected sometimes here because the American voter is often willing to overlook the flaws in the candidate (Bush's low intellect and poor moral focus, for instance) in a kind of excessive hope and optimism that the bizarre promises he makes will be realized. That is, our overly optimistic view sometimes over-rules our reason. It only takes 50% plus one vote to win, so campaigning on phony issues and wild promises can sometimes win (when the candidate has a skilled PR agency manipulating for it) an election.
Are Americans finally fed up, and have they wised up enough to not elect Bush clones? I have my doubts. The fatal flaw in democracies is that there is an irony of sort. Just as dictatorships have the wrong leadership in power, sometimes a democratic nation can elect the wrong ones too. And there is little that can be done to rectify the mistake if the electorate remains blind to its mistake.

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