Thursday, March 26, 2009

Auto Eating

One of those addicted, entranced cell phone drivers nearly collided with me this morning as I was driving Jane to school, not a singular event today with the roads filled with those creatures. As the traffic light changed from red to green, I looked both ways (a necessity in these days of enigmatic, erratic distracted electronically intoxicated drivers) before accelerating forward. It's a good thing I did. A speeding driver was hurling toward me, in my lane, oblivious to the fact that his light had turned red several seconds before. As I pulled out, I steered hard t0 the left avoiding him.
And the indignity of it all was that he continued to giggle on his phone the entire time, apparently unaware that he was driving an automobile twice the speed limit across a red light. This scene has been repeated more than once! Perhaps I should become an Islamic terrorist and fly into one of those cell drivers. Allah would surely admit me instantly into the gates of heaven for removing a cell infidel from the roadways...
Eaten your breakfast, lunch or dinner in a car lately? Well, it's not as nutty an idea as it may sound. That's because the latest driving insanity is not gabbing on cell phones when driving as the former was doing. It's eating one's meals in the car- particularly when driving.
Yep! As more and more people in my country are willing or have to eat in their cars, food makers are obliging them with an array of drip free, finger friendly goodies. The so-called "cup holder cuisine" ranges from health w food cereal bars with milk a fixed in solid form to the top to bigger eats like Mexican food chain Taco bell's "crunch rap", a leak proof taco.
In fact, some fast food chains say that as much as 75% of their business is done with drive through dinners, and that they general eat their food as they drive, not taking it home for a suit down meal. I am not a big consumer of fast food, but I like some of it. I am amazed at how user friendly it is to eat that stuff while driving. The packaging is designed to make it all spill free and easy to handle. Even grocery stores here are converting some of their foods to that style of easy handling. Yogurt is squeeze tubes, soups and snacks in cylindrical tubes that fit snugly in car cup holders, drinkable soups etc.
I read a poll by the research group NPD that said the average American ate 32 restaurant meals in the car last year (I hope they also weren't talking on their cell phones as they ate). Eating that in a car while driving is a "recipe" for an accident. Insurance companies have long said that coffee is the most dangerous edible for a driver (followed by hot soup and tacos). But then, our commute time to work is length and subjects one to the temptation to eat on the car. Sigh...I think I better start walking more.
It might be a whole lot safer. An update from the "How fat have we gotten department". Believe it ot not, it seems that American women's butts are so fat now that injections into them are missing their target!
That's right. Research shows that standard sized shot needles fail to reach the American butt muscle in 23 out of 25 women whose rear ends were examined (I would have examined them if they had asked) after what was supposed to be intramuscular injections of drugs. As a result of the fat butts, almost 2/3 of the fat butt ladies in a study did not receive the full dosage of the s drug injected into their huge posteriors. Instead, the medication became lodged in the fat tissues of their big buttocks. Mot shots are given in the butt because that part of the body has few blood vessels, nerves or bones that can be damaged by an injection.
No, no..I won't ask you how fat your butt is, but should I suggest you ask your doctor for a longer needle when you get your next injection....

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