Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So many To Vote For

I read an article in my local paper today about political parties that are registered in my state. It is interesting to see the variation in types of parties that run candidates in our state's elections. In my state of Louisiana for a party to be recognized (that means the party candidate who runs can have the party name listed next to his name on the ballot) it has to have at least 1000 registered voter signatures (we have about 3 million registered voters in the state), file forms with the state and pay a $1000 registration fee. That's it!
So here are the parties that will have candidates in the next elections we hold.
Aerosmith Party
American Communist Party
American Mohican Party
Anarchist Party
Baptists Party
Bath Party
Black Panther Party
Bull Moose Party
Cajun Party
Christian Party
Communist Party
Confederate party
Conservative Party
Democratic Socialist Party
Dixiecrat Party
Druid Party
Fascist Party
Federalist Party
God's Party
Gypsy Party
Independent Party
Jedi Party
Jesse Ventura Party
Lesbian Party
Liberal Party
Marxist Party
Moderate Party
Monarchist Party
Muslim Party
Found one you like? If you like a big one, try the Independent Party. It has more than 30,000. The smallest are the Aerosmith Party and Black Panther party, with one member each. The sexiest must be the Lesbian Party..which the God Party members probably accuse of being sinful....but then, the Muslim Party members probably say the God Party members are nothing but infidels.
Sigh... I am so confused I think I will skip voting next election.

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