Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too Much Sensitivity

Our future generation looks frightening, even at present. But nice pictures, anyway. In this age of being politically correct, of never saying or doing anything that would offend anyone (the "You have no right to offend me with your words" mentality) even our universities are victims of this thinking. The latest "I dare not do if I offend" of over sensitivity comes from the NCAA ( National Collegiate Athletic Association), the governing body of all college and University sports. To say that they are being oversensitive is a vast understatement.
The NCAA executive committee decided to ban the use of American Indian mascots (those men and women who rove the sidelines during games dressed as Indians) by sports teams during any post season, championship event. Nicknames or mascots deemed "hostile or abusive" would not be allowed by teams on their uniforms or other clothing beginning with any NCAA tournament game after Feb 1, 2006.
At least 18 universities have those "inappropriate" mascots, even though many schools that use the name "warrior" are not considered to be offenders and are not subject to the indian name ban. How crazy is this? Banning the word Indian in school names is idiotic, but why would "warrior" be acceptable? Isn't an Indian a warrior?
Just two years ago the NCAA showed a degree of wisdom when it announced that schools should determine for themselves whether the Indian depictions were offensive. But special interest groups have pressured the change in policy, even though most tribal Indians have said they are not offended by their heritage being used by sports teams to show strength.
Too, many ethnic groups are represented by universities as mascots or nicknames. For example, how about the Notre Dame Fighting Irish? Should anyone of Irish heritage demand a name change because he or she fears others will perceive him or her as a fighter? Ridiculous! One of my state's best named university nicknames is the University of Louisiana Lafayette "Raging Cajuns". A Cajun is a person of French Canadian heritage who immigrated to my part of Louisiana 200 or more years ago. I live in Cajun country here and know that those Cajuns can rage...and if I would suggest that their school name is offensive and should be changed they would rage all over me.

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