Thursday, March 26, 2009

Holiday Times And Hanukkah

A quick paragraph or two now about the forgotten holiday- Hanukkah. Many non Jewish people don't think about Hanukkah during Christmas time, but it is on December 26th, and runs for eight days and nights. The word Hanukkah means "dedication: and that holiday commemorates the rededication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem after a big Jewish military battle about 2000 years ago. I went to elementary and high school with many Jewish children and learned some things about that holiday, and the Jewish religion.
On the whole I think Judaism is very reasonable and demands real sacrifice from the worshippers. Maybe you have seen the menorah candle, for instance. That's the eight pronged candle that is lit one candle per day until on day eight all nine are all glowing at the same time. Supposedly, with each successive candle lighting the greatness and growth of the miracle of the victory at that battle is honored.
I also remember one child bringing Latkes to school when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Latkes are potato pancakes ( grated potatoes mixed with onions, egg and flour and seasoning) cooked in oil (foods cooked in oil are common at Hanukkah to remind the believers of the miracle when the original menorah candle burned for weight days rather than the usual one) And of course a donut fanatic like me would never forget those Sufganiyots the Jewish kids brought to school during Hanukkah time. A Sufganiyot is the ancestor to today's heavenly jelly donut. The batter is dropped in oil randomly to form hole less donuts, covered in powered sugar and filled with jam after cooking.
Wow! I should convert and become Jewish!!
Santa is doing an extra special good dead this year in Birmingham, England. Its the "Parking Ticket Santa" who has been spreading not only good cheer there, but also cash in the form of Christmas cards containing 30 pounds ( $53) on windshields of drivers who have received parking tickets. "Don't let that ticket spoil your Christmas," declares a note in each card. "Here's 30 pounds to pay it off. Merry Christmas- "Parking Ticket Santa". So far 14 ticketed drivers have said they got the cards and lot to pay the fines, and the scheme seems to have done good things for Santa's image.
NO! Don't even think about it. There is no E mail Santa in this mail, and no money either!

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