Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lower Blood Pressure-Longer Life

Today I saw a TV segment on a medical news report that reported on a study of blood pressure readings, specifically on what effect lower than normal blood pressure readings mean for longevity. And the good news for me (I have always had below normal blood pressure readings) and many others is that those people more than 35 years old with readings below average readings have a statistical probability of living 7 years or more longer than people with high or normal blood pressure levels.
Seven years is a significant amount of time, perhaps enough for some people with above average readings to change their lifestyle and decrease their own blood pressure levels. I got an E mail today from someone who had not written in more than three years. That is not so unusual on the Internet, but it did cause me to reflect on styles people use when writing E mail, at least what I have observed from those wo write to me.
So here are some of the common styles I see. And..... I am not saying which if any is mine, nor making any judgment about the quality of each style. I appreciate any E mail I receive.
1) Brevity is best- This writer says little and often says so "I don't know what to write". But the brevity E mailer does write and keep in touch...but is always a mystery to me since a paragraph a letter is hardly descriptive..Give them a C+ for loyalty.
2) A few words are never enough- These writer is wordy and goes on and on, often unsure that I am understanding (Well, I am a little stupid and do need great explanation). The Wordy E mailer is descriptive. He or she will go into detail, about anything, even his or her hemorrhoids.
3) Advice wanted- being a teacher I receive many E mails form people asking for my advice. Why I am seen as wise or insightful I am not sure. Hehe It can't be because of the advice I give. Perhaps the title "teacher" makes me seem more than I really am. Anyway, the Advice seeker always asks my opinion of something in every E mail.
4) Philosopher King or Queen- The Philosopher likes to discuss issues and debate them. This one is a higher order thinker than most because the Philosopher is concerned about more than his or her immediate world. I like this mail except when the issue is a little....uh...esoteric. When the Philosopher wants to debate whether Tom Cruise is faithful to Kate Hudson I want to resign my membership in the philosophy club.
5) Recapper- The recapper tells me the daily events in his or her life, from wake-up to bed time. I like this type when I do not want to debate an issue or idea that the Philosopher may have challenged me with in a precious mail.
6) Funny mail- This is a joy to read. It can be a scatterbrained, unintended monologue that leaves me in stitches, or someone who is skilled at purposefully making me laugh.
7) Sender- The sender is great because, even if he or she never writes a word to me about his or herself or about me. I receive endless amounts of jokes and attachments. This is the one who also starts those rumors we see in our E mail. You know, the one who claims Microsoft has a check waiting for us if we fill in a survey, or the one who says we should donate money to that little girl dying from the attacker who took both of her kidneys.
Ok, there are more E mail types. But this is just a quick summary of some and I am not going to identify your type!!. I like them all and appreciate every E mail. E mails are always interesting to me, and friendships made over them can be deep and lasting..but I refuse to give any money to the girl without the kidneys!!!!!

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