Saturday, July 6, 2013

What A Gift

On his birthday this year, that crazy North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, gave every child in North Korea candy. That's nice. But what did he get for his top officials? Err, something not so sweet or appropriate, I think. Little Kim gave everyone of them a copy of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'. Well, at least Little Kim is consistent in his lunacy. Supposedly, Kim wants to encourage his military leaders to study Germany's post-WWI reconstruction and copy the mode for use in dreary North Korea. If they like that hate book, we may be seeing even more goose stepping from the North Korean military in the days ahead.

I wonder what are the lessons in Mein Kampf that Little Kim likes?  Is Kim going to tell his generals how the Hitler's story ended? I think that in the fantasy North Korean version, Hitler will win. Mein Kampf is essentially the angry ranting of an obscure, small party politician (Hitler in his youth).... mindless rants....sort of like what I do here. Hey! Maybe Little Kim will also make them read what I write too. The world would certainly be a more odd place if he does.

Anyway, that kind of gift has to be put in the inappropriate category, like those 'glow in the dark socks'  Aunt Ethel gives to everyone as Christmas gifts. But will any of the dictator's generals or cabinet member to try to exchange his Mein Kampf book when Little Kim is the giver? Never.  You may not wear the glow in the dark socks, but I bet those North Korean officials will let Little Kim know they love Mein Kampf.

Kim Jong Un has issued the order for the Third Reich to be studied in depth in order to help toughen the dumpy little guy image the world has of him. Yes, Little Kim wants to act more like Hitler to "improve" his image. One has to have a horrid image if he wants to upgrade to the one Hitler showed. Ah, living as a maniacal despot is not as easy as one would think these days

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