Saturday, July 6, 2013

United Nations Population Report

The United Nations just released their annual world population growth report, so I also give you my annual rant about why too many people on earth is really the only environmental problem humans be concerned about. The whining of the global warmers never seems to be directed in the right direction. Fact is, whether the earth is warming, not warming or warming because humans have so much power that they can change climate, doesn't matter a bit if the world population continues to grow so large that it is unsustainable.

Uh, citing too many people as the real environmental problem is not politically correct these days, given that most of the population explosion is in Africa and Asia. It might offend the crazy liberal notion that the underdeveloped nations are innocent victims of the developed ones, and that those underdeveloped countries need not be responsible because of it. The United Nations forecast the other day said that the world's population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025, with most growth in developing countries and more than half in Africa. By 2050, it will reach 9.6 billion.  The report found that most countries with very high levels of fertility (more than 5 children per women) are on the U.N. list of least developed countries. Most are in Africa

But to defy reason,  the United Nations (which has more underdeveloped nation members than developed ones) projected population increase will pose challenges but is not necessarily cause for alarm. Odd, given the United constantly groans about silly environmental issues (like global warming) and warns that the world is being killed by "human abuse". Rather the U.N. said that the worry is for countries on opposite sides of two extremes, developed and undeveloped.  Countries, mostly poor ones, whose populations are growing too quickly, and wealthier ones where the populations is aging and decreasing, is the problem. No recommendations to correct this....just another "warning" it is a problem. It seems that to suggest that those undeveloped nations stop producing so many babies would offend them.

Fact is, in order to slow down the birth of so many babies in those poor countries, basic ideas held there about proper fertility rates, birth control,  the necessity of installing  non corrupt government, and improved education must change. It won't. The societies religious and cultural forces alone often stop birth control from ever having a chance to happen. So it should be elemental for the world to see that when there are too many people for the amount of resources available, environmental problems are inevitable. Instead, the global warming nuts just keep chanting.."It's global warming and we are all going to die".

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