Saturday, July 6, 2013

Odd Contests

They just crowned the winner of the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest. A huge headed, duck footed mix of beagle, boxer and basset hound was the upset winner over such ugliness as the hairless Chihuahuas, dogs that look like unknown animals and even a few who have a resemblance similar to me. The question is, Why have such a contest? After all, I have yet to hear of a ugly human contest. Who wants to see that? Anyway, there are many weird contests being held all over the world that are just as inexplicable. I think it might be more interesting to observe the people at those contests a than to see the contestants. Weird loves, weird is.
You guessed it. I'm going to inform you of some other weird contest so you lose your innocence and learn to appreciate the bizarre. Did you know, for example, that there was a Miss Atomic Bomb contest? It started in the 50's, the age of the development of nuclear weapons . Tacky Las Vegas saw an idea to combine two of its major attractions – nuclear bombs and showgirls – into a beauty contest. I'm not sure mom would be proud of a daughter who was Miss Atomic Bomb. But the whole idea exploded and the contest was ended forever after a winner of the contest wore a cotton mushroom cloud on the front of her swimsuit.
And I thought those competitive eating contests were weird. Here's a few currently very animal contests to prepare for...
World Championship Duck Calling Contest- It is the longest running calling contest in history having its start in 1936 and is held in a small town called Stuttgart, Arkansas. I always thought they called ducks with those little duck calling instruments we used to use to drive our teachers crazy when we were in first grade. Since I don't shoot ducks I have no reason to call them. I'll skip this one. 
* Shearing and Wool handling Championship-  It's held in sheep country, New Zealand.  I'm not sure since I haven't asked any of the sheep their opinions, but it seems to me shearing that fast can't be comfortable for the sheep.  There's also wool handling and wool pressing events.  No, I have no idea why.
* National Chinese Kissing Contest- While you're puckering up, check out the activities in Shenyang, China. Couples ranging in age from twenty to eighty gather at a ski area to do some creative kissing.  The most creative kissing I was told to do wasn't so nice...something some guy who was made at me when he told me to kiss his ---. Anyway,  contestants in the National Chinese Kissing Contest are challenged to eschew the peck on the lips routine but instead strive to come up with the most difficult kissing position they can muster. Considering that China has the world's largest population I don't see why they need contests to encourage more kissing.
* World Beard and Mustache Contest- This is held in Hofen/Enz, Germany. Contestants work in teams and attempt to grown the most elaborate facial hair. Judges choose the best in several categories from delicate mustache to outrageous beard. My beard and mustache is too straggly to even merit an entrance into this contest and those crazy, hairy Germans still dominate the event. Well, at least concentrating on their facial hair will give those Germans less time to invade other nations.
* International Whistler's Contest- Whistlers gather in the whistling capital of the world, Louisburg, North Carolina, for this. I have no idea how a small city in North Carolina came to be a whistling city. I wonder how the residents ever get any sleep. The judges look at your whistling technique, presentation, stage presence and self confidence to pick the whistle champ.  I'm uncertain of how often a person needs to use whistling in this modern age of electronic communication devices.
I bet you feel a little odder now.

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