Saturday, July 6, 2013

Driving Drunks

Now that Father's Day is over I have a story that will make you appreciate that there is a dad out there to take over on those occasions when mom is completely incompetent or unwilling to be responsible. In my former home city of Kenner, Louisiana there was an interesting arrest report, and it probably explains why I think that people should be licensed to certify competence before giving birth to a child. You in having to have a permit to have a dog.

Police got a telephone call at 1:15 am (an hour that should be past both adults and children's bed time) about a car that was weaving recklessly along the interstate highway in Kenner. It was said to be driven as if the operator was drunk or impaired in some way, swerving, starting and stopping etc. When police pulled over the car they discovered that the driver was a child, a 10 year old, with a 15 year old passenger, his 54 year old grandma and her 48 year old friend. Yep! Grandma was using the 10 year old as her designated driver.

Granny and her buddy were so drunk they could hardly stand. Both of the oldies, granny Brenda Boyd and her drinking partner, Sheila Joiner, admitted to telling the 10 year old to do the driving and were arrested and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile and allowing an un licensed driver to operate a motor vehicle. is missing as so often in these days of selfish parenting.  It seems she designated granny to raise the child she bore, and the idea of turning junior over to a drunk isn't bothersome when the alternative for mom is having to be a responsible parent.

Police said that they released the 10 year old driver and his 15 year old sister to "other relatives". Hmmm Child protection services will probably return the two kids to granny as soon as she sobers up. Haha Maybe the whole crew can drive to another bar and celebrate together.  Hey mom! If you don't want to raise your children, at least make sure the adult you give them to can make proper decisions and isn't tanked on booze when with to your children. The most we can do now is to forget granny and her drinking buddy. They are already guilty of both drunkenness and gross stupidity. Sigh

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