Saturday, July 6, 2013

Airline Passenger Annoyances

A Harris Poll of over 20-00 fliers was conducted online from March 13-18, 2013. Yep! they are polling airline passengers again about how annoyed they are when having to fly. Maybe instead the airlines should simply quit annoying and stop polling. But then, that isn't what airlines do. Many flyers appear to be unsatisfied with the current amount of personal space on airplanes was so bad that they would consider paying extra for more room, as in "how come my fat butt can't fit in my sit when I sit next to an even fatter butted passenger"?  Anyway, most of the fliers said the most annoying part of their "flight experience" was the lack of room they were given in their seating.

The second most annoying airline behavior was the baggage check in charge.  That is certainly the most outrageous of charges the airlines give us. Why does a person's clothes and other necessity count as an extra passenger?  Do the airlines think we are nudists and can travel without clothes? It's equivalent to the fueling station for the plane being charged a fee for taxing in the plane into position where the plane can be fueled.  No doubt, the airlines would scream about that.

Anyway, those two annoyances are so common I thought I might pass on a few more lesser recognized ones that seem to annoy crazies like me but not most other fliers  (the non crazy types). How about these four?
* Cell phone chattering in boarding gates- OK, let then text.  But do I have to be subjected to every idiotic conversation loudly spewed forth by cell phone zombies? We are all prisoners of the gate, and leaving the zombie boarding gate while waiting to board is to risk missing our flights.  I say hire some school librarians to police the boarding gate areas. Anyone caught chatting on a cell phone would be put at the end of the boarding order and be denied any of those airline peanut snacks we are forced to eat!
* The smelly seat mate-  This includes the over perfumed or cologned riders- In fact, if they give me a choice between those and a simple body odor type, I'll take the latter.  Can't the airlines have a Department of Security Smell, with designated testers at every gate? Anyone who fails the body odor test could be escorted to a shower to clean up his or her act before boarding.
* Sitting next to a passenger and never stop talking to the seat mate adjacent to them the whole flight- Oh wait...that sounds like me...never mind this one.....
* Children boarding early- The rationale the airlines use is that kids take longer to board, but in my view the kids are racing down the aisles and need no extra time. It's the oldie crowd that takes forever to be seated. Ever watch aunt Ethel slither down the aisle of the plane at turtle speed?  Also, maybe the airlines should make families with small children board last.  Better yet, just leave them at the gate. The other passengers will appreciate the peace and quiet of a flight without those brats!

I hope you will enjoy your next fight...but I doubt it.

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