Saturday, July 6, 2013

No Filthy Gravestones Allowed

There was a strange news item in my newspaper today, something about a deceased rap singer.  One Sonny Santiago, known as 'Uno' on stage, died in a crash and was buried  in a cemetery that, uh, doesn't like rap music any more than I do. It seems that Uno's relatives wanted to post the lyrics of one of Uno's songs on the headstone, and did so without permission of the cemetery. Trouble is, the lyrics are filthy, filled with the profanity on which that kind of "music" thrives.

Why do rap singers not only not sing (they talk, and much of the time with profanity) their songs, and adopt inane nicknames like Uno, Ice Cube, Lil Wayne, Ludacris, Snoop Dog and the rest of the idiotic stage names? It could be that it's because most have not one iota of talent and need as much distraction from that fact as possible in order to garner attention. Hmmm I wonder if Celene Dion ever considered calling herself  'Loud Ho' or Taylor Swift suggested renaming herself as 'TS Bitter'. I guess not, since they have talent and can actually sing a song without offending and are not ignorant thug wanna be types as so many rappers are.

Back to Uno.  The cemetery denied the family request to go filthy, explaining that it might be inappropriate for the visitors of the cemetery who don't share a love of filthy rap. Just imagine someone's Aunt Gertie reaching down to place flowers on her recently deceased husband's grave and reading an Uno diatribe to his "filthy bitch" or whatever illiterate ramble line comprises his best lyric. Gertie might have a stroke right next to her hubby's grave.

Well, after being told the vulgarity could not be posted Uno's grieving family decided to go with one of Uno's non profanity laced lyrics, one of the few they could find in Uno's works. Trouble is, they also added a 3-foot by 8-foot decoration made from mulch and rocks shaped like the number 1 (which is the English equivalent for the Spanish word 'Uno').  Yep! The family has been asked to remove that as well, as it violates the cemetery rules about good taste. It seems that when a rapper dies, bad taste endures in the behavior of the the family survivors.

So far Uno's mom has complied with the requests to normalize Uno's grave, but she isn't happy about it. "We want to be with him. It's not fair", declared Uno's mom. I have the feeling that if mom and family die anytime soon, that cemetery won't want a literal reuniting of them with Uno on its grounds.

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