Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Saving The Planet With Nonsense Theory

I wanted to throw up when I read a headline in my newspaper yesterday. The headline read, 'Meatless meals save time, and the planet'. Oh my, it imply that not eating meat will "save" the earth from destruction. But for me, whatever it is the crazy politically correct Global Warmed types imagine is enough to at least make me gag, if not regurgitate my last meaty meal.

The article was written by a guy who said he wanted to follow a "plant-based diet" (I guess this implies that all animals who eat meat are also killing the earth and are as evil as me?) in order to "eat lower on the food chain to reduce my carbon footprint". Ugh! The wording of those environmental crazies is always the same, mindless parroted repetition of empty, if flowery rhetoric. He has been convinced (brainwashed?) that his eating of meat has somehow contributed to what he imagines as a globally warmed planet.

To affirm his belief that earth is dying because I like lamb chops, burgers and barbecued ribs, the author said that the Environmental Working Group (an extremist environmental organization that claims to be "protecting kids from toxic chemicals in food, water, air and the products people use every day by the use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment.") came out with their 'Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change and Health'. I'm not kidding about the title. That guide is designed to allegedly help consumers understand how food choices affect both their environmental footprint and their health by ranking the carbon foot print of foods. "Carbon footrpint"...I'd like to grill and eat the fool who coined that term.

I think EWG must be an informal food police of sort. Lamb, beef and cheese are ranked as the worst foods for we global destroyers because they require the most greenhouse gas emissions to produce. EWG said the best choices for us to eat are lentils and beans. It figures...what tastes best is said to be evil and what is least tasty is angelic. Hmmm, I say that only when EWG tells me donuts are healthy I may pay attention to them

Finally, the meatless guy's toothless article says that "if everyone in the United States ate no meat or cheese just one day a week, after one year, the cutback in emissions would be the equivalent of taking 7.6 million cars off the road, or not driving 91 billion miles. That's perhaps the best argument for Meatless Mondays I've ever heard."
Nonsense to all of this idiotic imagined demonizing of foods that don't fit a silly trendy imagined planet saving crusade! Reading that garbage just makes me want to rev up the engine of my car, and head to a fast food burger place to load up a double cheeseburger.

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