Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Moose Talk

Let's talk Moose! Ok, I admit it's a slow day for my brain and I am resorting to Moose talk today. But stick with me as I link female moose motives to female human motives, and get into trouble and Moose dodo because of it. I just read that female moose (called "cows" unlike female humans who, if called cows will be highly agitated toward those who name them that), are able to manipulate amorous Moose males into fighting each other, allowing the more desirable bulls to emerge as mates. They, uh....manipulate the male Moose to fight over them. Sound familiar, to you cow....err females?

Researcher in a study in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska studying moose behavior have now found that females moan more when they are approached by smaller males, and that this triggers aggression in larger males. I've seen this phenomenon among female humans in bars and other meeting places as well. Anyway, what the scientists studying Moose believe is that females have more control over mate choice than previously thought. Does this mean females of all species (humans too) are the same?

This implication for we male moose and male humans is that we are helpless in the hands of the female as to matters of mating and romance. I first deduced the female control over relationships as a young teacher of teens. I saw that many females fought over teen males and manipulated them romantically, but it was a rare event when two males battled for the hand of a female teen. can you ever remember two men physically fighting over a woman? It would be a rare if so. But how many physical confrontations between women, battling about a male, have you witnessed? It's probably many more.

I should escape being castigated by you as a male chauvinist pig by making a lame remark that females are just more passionate and caring in relationships, not more manipulative. But I know you understand I don't believe it. It's more likely the female is instinctually driven to control her mate than is the male. Men tend to cheat on their women when they try to control them but the women rarely seem to link their control to the cheating. I think perhaps the moose of the world are warning we me males about this. But then, how can we male pigs understand either a moose or a woman...

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