Tuesday, September 6, 2011

National Romance Awareness Month

Did you know that August was 'National Romance Awareness Month'? On that day a person who has a romantic relationship going on is supposed to "surprise his better half" with a Valentine Day sort of expression of love. I am not sure many people do that though. Most couples would probably be more inclined to argue over which of the is the "better half" in the relationship. One of the tips suggested for the lover to do is this: When your significant other is in the shower in the morning, take a towel and warm it up in the dryer. Haha Are they kidding? Most married couples, for instance, are more likely to toss the electric hair drier into the bath water...while the other is bathing- than to do that.

Ok, I am cynical, allegedly like all men are. Maybe not! Here is what Dr. Helen Fisher, the adviser to the dating site Chemistry.com" It's a myth that men aren't as romantic as women "Your romantic streak just depends on your biological makeup. Based on my research at Chemistry.com, I have found that men who are more expressive of estrogen (and there are lots of them, including some football players), fall in love more regularly than others. These men are also the most creative when it comes to planning romantic activities, and romantic times are particularly meaningful to them."
But I don't have much faith in the Chemistry.com crowd because my newspaper today says that it's survey of of three top ten U.S. cities for romantic men in the revealed that the 2nd most romantic men in America can be found in Portland (San Francisco is rated number one, but I believe that. It's a city of gays and gays always seem more passionate than straights). Hmmmm I live in Portland and that alone should bring down this city's rating.

I am not a member of that Chemistry.com site, so I can't see what the criteria for most romantic male is. Here is the full list.
1. San Francisco, CA
2. Portland, OR
3. Austin, TX
4. Salt Lake City, UT
5. Hartford, CT
6. Boston, MA
7. Seattle, WA
8. New York, NY
9. Los Angeles, CA
10. Washington D.C.

Those cities have little in common. Besides the heavy gay population in San Francisco, there is repressed Mormon base in Salt Lake City, the sterile government crowd of Washington D.C. or the unfriendly males of New York. The only commonality might be that all ten of those cites have a high concentration of males living there.
I thought maybe those ten cities were kinkier than most, and that being so would express more passion and therefore, more romance. So I searched the web for the top ten kinky cities. Only three of them also made that list (Yes, my old home New Orleans was on the kinky list. It would not have been a legitimate list without that).

I think I will give up in frustration trying to figure out all of this. And to think that my confusion about this has ruined the other big holiday of the month. You see, August was also supposed to be 'Admit You're Happy Month', and since I found about this I just can't celebrate that.

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