Saturday, September 24, 2011

Face book In Prison

Face book has finally been released from prison....sort of. Better stated, prisoners in some states in the U.S., California being the latest, have now banned prisoners from accessing Face book. And Face book has closed their accounts, as it has done in several other U.S. states. Well, criminals are not allowed internet usage but they still manage to have access through illegal cell phone usage inside the prison, in spite of the police taking measures to stop it. It's another example that the ugly cell phone abuse rears it's head, even in jails.

California prison officials, who initially signed a contract with Face book to keep it out of the hands of prisoners, claim that they've received numerous complaints made by victims of the criminal locked inside their jails, stating they have been contacted by criminals from the prison. One of the victims, for example, was a child who underwent physical abuse by the convict, and whose Face book and MySpace were being viewed by him. The prisoner made drawings of her and were mailed to her family.

In Great Britain the abuse of Face book by convicts is a national scandal, all because the pervasive use of technology can not even be arrested behind prison bars. Hmmm I wonder if I can tell whether a Face book user is a prisoner or not. There must be some clues that the hot babe in the bikini on Face book who "just can't live without me" is actually a fat guy who murdered in seven states. I guess these might be some signals that you are chatting with a convict on Face book. Maybe these are some of the clues.

- When using one of those chat icons the convict selects a machine gun instead of a smile.
- Texts WTMY (Want To Molest You) when chatting with you
- When asked what college he/she attended says he/she attended the "State Pen" instead of "Penn State University"
- Instead of asking you to run away and marry, he/she suggests robbing a bank together.
- You see the convict's orange prison jumpsuit matches his fake tan
- Desperate for intimacy, you notice she made a boyfriend out of a stuffed laundry bag
When you catch him in his lie and see he is in jail says, "I'm in here for illegally downloading video of you off the Internet".

Come to think of it, I should be put in a prison cell for writing this stupidity.

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