Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happiness Happens Day

I just found out something that makes me...well, almost "happy". It's that something called Happiness Happens Day occurs annually on Aug. 8th. I think we are supposed to be happy or make someone happy on Happiness Happy Day. Well, even though I missed awareness of that day I was still happy on the 8th. The degree of happiness a person feels depends on what he or she thinks makes them happy and what they think makes you sad. No thing and no person is inherently happiness-producing or sadness-producing. So, this belief by the group that started Happiness Happy Day is probably a "sad" disappointment for those who are waiting for someone or something to make them happy.

That group that started Happiness Happy Day calls itself the Secret Society of Happy People. Hmmm Why do happy people want to keep it a secret that they are happy? They say that they believe happiness is contagious and that when more people talk about happy events and moments, it will be considered trendy for everyone to engage in it... and they will (be happier). The society encourages celebrating the day by exchanging gifts of silver (because as the old saying goes, "every cloud has a silver lining"), and by sharing happy memories or hosting a happy celebration.

What makes you happy? Is it an internal motivation or can something or someone instead make you happy (as opposed to just very satisfied for a short moment or two)? I know for certain that the things the Secret Society recommends as happiness motivations would make me more annoyed than happy. Check them yourself at the Society web site to see if you are on their happy wave length.
We both know my E mail isn't a happy celebration, and I am not going to send you silver gifts (not even silver coins) as the Society suggest we do to each other.

So if you expect happiness from me you are going to be saddened and might be better off forgetting about being happy today or any other day of the year. However, look at it from another angle. When my E mail ends and you are free from reading my stupidity, you'll probably be a much happier person. Have a happy day!

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