Tuesday, September 6, 2011

London Riots

The recent rioting in London should be a warning to all western capitalist nations that have feed their citizens for years with more and more freebies, all in the name of making "society more equal'. Seeing the mostly young rioters display hate for "the rich" and justifying criminal and animalistic behavior as the imitate barbarians and run off with goods every teen wants (new sneakers, bikes, electronics and leather goods) is a disgrace. The "protesters" who don't really have a protest, instead an excuse to steal, and destroy, have torched stores apparently just to see something burn. Early on, in a politically correct stance, the government left them virtually unchallenged in several neighborhoods, and when police did arrive they often were able to flee quickly and regroup (thank twitter for that).

And why the riots? The real reason is that the government has been forced to remove $130 billion from public spending by 2015 to reduce the country's huge budget deficit that has been brought about by the entitlement mentality that is strangling Europe and is a rising problem in the U.S. The average citizen now thinks he or she is entitled to free....well...everything...and that some amorphous "rich person' should pay for it.
Fact is, England and much of the west has created a liberal society of welfare for the masses who do not want or think they should work for their material needs.

Generation after generation of these people receiving government handouts have come to expect their needs be n met by the government, their figurative " mommy and daddy" . Just the mention of a cutback is those gifts can bring forth the London style "protest".. Young kids with no jobs, many immigrants attracted to the economic possibilities of an entitlement nation, not fluent in the language, with little education or job skills and lack of respect for their adoptive country feel they have nothing to lose. Until the systems gets rid of this kind of welfare, riots such as in London will only become more common.

The rioting is more an announcement by the participants that the work ethic has been killed by the social welfare bestowed on them. Their unemployment is both their own fault (lack of respect for education and hard work) and the fault of the system (because of the addictive nature of the excessive welfare given by the country that destroys incentive to work, it is more difficult for the poor to participate equally in such systems) in which they live.

It is interesting to note that other western European nations, Canada and the United States all have youth unemployment statistics that show extremely high levels of underemployment. It will be interesting to see what and where the next angry response to the government and society some see as exploiting will take place. Will the demise of the everything is free mentality in those countries be the needed cure for economically broken nations or the impetus for more of the London episodes?

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