Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What I Like In Portland

Since I have complained about the environmental scams so prevalent here in Portland, today I will mention some of the things I like about the area.
The Portland region is a very quiet one. There is little crime and it is orderly and clean. The physical beauty of this area is as great as any I have ever seen. This may be due to the work ethic that I find in great supply. Residents of this state work and like their labor a great deal. In New Orleans we tend to hide from labor and seek play far more often than here. In Portland they work at keeping the region pristine.I think this is a good place for a family to raise children. Though the local teens and younger crowd sometimes complain that there isn't enough "going on" in the metro area, I believe that Portlanders prefer solitary pursuits (hiking, camping etc.) in nature far more than community or group activities.
There is very little sense of region, community or even neighborhood here and even less cooperation between and among the various cities and counties of greater Portland. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing. People here like this "solitary" lifestyle.I most like the beauty around me when here. Stunning views are everywhere and the community make sure they are not despoiled or lost. One can not drive in any direction from Happy Valley and not be enchanted by the beauty around him. And this is said despite my having not seen much of the wonders outside of the metropolitan region.
There is a feeling of being safe here. My home and many others that have burglar alarm systems do not have them activated. I do not worry much about my vacant home being burglarized here. In New Orleans the alarm would be activitated along with anxiety about whether it would deter a break-in. Too, there is order here. Things work as they are supposed to and when broken the government has them repaired.
No doubt without the beautiful environment this region would suffer badly and be less of an idealized place. There is no 'culture" here apart from the generic suburban culture found all across America. Yet it matters not when one gazes out of a window and sees a majestic mountain in the distance.

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