Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Alien Life

Did you read about the recent UFO sightings in Texas? If not, to clarify, let me just say that for a couple of days many people in that area reported UFO activity. Of course, UFO's do not necessarily mean alien life. A UFO could be a natural or man made phenomenon, not necessarily living beings on the prowl. After the sightings the usual accompanying hysteria about "space aliens" was extrapolated from the sightings. It wasn't until the U.S Air Force released a statement that it had conducted jet fighter testing, and that that could explain the sightings and peopel stopped seeing those "space monsters".
I don't believe in the existence of other forms of life that are intelligent enough to travel the galaxy and "study humans" (But if they exists I hope they get a hold of one of my E mails. That would truly confound their sensibilities). I don't believe in , search for, or care about alien life forms. That has nop effect on my human life. Yet many people, and perhaps you, believe that the universe is so big that "there is bound to be other intelligent life out there".
Some believe that because they are optimistic that there is more to our world than the stupidty we endure here on earth every day. Others take the belief pessimistically, that there must be something more intelligent than human beings in the universe because we are not cutting it ourselves. Still others are just crazies who imagine it, people who watch too many movies, conjure too many fantasies etc.
I doubt that in our lifetime we will ever prove or not prove the proposition. Like belief in God and other kinds of faith questions, such things are usually best not cogitated by non scientists because we have no way of proving the existence or non existence of aliens. So iit s probably wisest to be agnostic about the existence of space aliens. And what does it mean "to be alone"? In other words how do we define other life? If you were standing on a beach and looked into the ocean and saw nothing, but a sand fly buzzed overhead, you would say you were alone. On the other hand if you stood there and did not notice the sand fly, but did see a whale surface, you would probably day you were not alone.
So it all depends on your perspective as to what being alone is. What characteristics would an alien life form need to have before humans agree that by knowing it exists "we are not alone"? That seems to be a more basic question than whether or not space aliens are flying amidst us. The fact that we haven't even defined life here makes observing it elsewhere sort of incomplete, pretentious and silly. Better to leave our space aliens in Hollywood and to just appreciate what the concept of other, more intelligent life might have on we lowly earthlings.
I am not worrying about space monsters so much as human monsters like George Bush, Paris Hilton and even you and me. Maybe we should try to search and identify ourselves first. Those are the monsters we have to deal with every day, even when the film ends and the space monsters have been defeated on screen.

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