Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tropical Poles

I am one of the few who doubts the absolute assertion that man made factors are causing the alleged "Global Warming", so take what I write today with a grain of salt. Global Warming may be happening and it may be either natural or man made...but then again, there is no conclusive evidence to support any such idea. Surely average temperatures are slightly up the past 30 years or so, as always within any climate cycle. But because a temperature one day is warmer does not mean it is going to be warmer the next day, as advocates of Global Warming claim. Many scientists are now more inclined to be skeptical of the Global Warming as a certainty, given that our temperature measurements today consist of a blip in the overall time frame of climate. Indeed, a greater sample of temperature sin the long distant past is needed to make proclamations about warming of the earth.
So the news that scientists have just discovered that the arctic was in fact, a tropical temperature zone 55 million years ago is not going to set well with those who swear humans today are heating the climate with their fossil fuel emissions. You see, first-of-its- kind core samples dug up from beneath the Arctic Ocean floor now conclusively show that the Arctic was once a subtropical paradise. And this has been verified by three new studies of the samples taken.
Does this mean greenhouse gases may not be warming us after all, that the slightly short-term warmer temperatures are a normal pattern ina climate phase? Maybe so or maybe not One can't tell.. And that's what I have believed all along. The rush to judgment that we are going to boil from our fossil fuel usage is a "possibility", not a "fact" as so many people believe. And I hope this will make some of the doom and gloom Global Warmers rethink their position and admit that we can not really tell how humans are effecting the climate now- whether making it colder, warming or having little effect at all.
The warming and cooling of the earth are natural variances and mankind has, up to this point, never had much affect on that. It's been a shift in temepratures based on natural influences and never has the climate not been able to adjust again. No scientist, for example, can state why there was a huge greenhouseeffect 55 million years ago. But that warming was obviously not man-made, nor was the cooling that has followed (and that people now contend is turning warm again).
So I will hold my judgment about Global Warming's causes until scientists- not celebrities, politicians and zealots- pronounce it is here and we are doomed because of it.
Well............what so you think?.

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