Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mausoleum Reflections

Sunday, Dec. 16th was the 8th birthday of my mom since her deat . So I headed to Hope Mausoleum, the spot wheer my fmaily is buried. I have not been to the mausoleum where most of my family is interred in over a year, so I decided to place flowers at the crypts of my grandparents, parents, brother and two aunts, who are all buried there in three separate crypts. Did you know that Hope Mausoleum (How ironic to name a resting place for the dead, "hope") is the oldest and biggest mausoleum in New Orleans. The interior is all marble, so beautiful that it is a tourist stop for those who know about it.
The other members of my family, who died long ago in the 19th century are buried in a conventional cemetery on the "highest ground" of the city, at famous Lafayette Cemetery Number 2. That's the one next to Commander's Palace, one of the nation's best restaurants. In the early 1800's, as Germans poured into New Orleans from Europe, Lafayette Number 2 was established as a German cemetery. Haha The Germans may be lethal but are clever. They bought that parcel because the water table being much lower allows conventional burial directly in the ground. But you know those old cemeteries have been run down now for many years. That's why about 60 years ago the Troescher and Kline ( my mom's family) started using Hope mausoleum.
My parents bought a "slab" that has room for five bodies. With my mom, dad and brother already buried there I intend to have my remains interred in Hope, given that was the intention of my parents. The space has been "paid for", but in truth, I care not about the disposition of my carcass after death. However, being always so close and loving my parents greatly, even in death I would never want to offend their

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