Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Michael Jackson's Death

Michael Jackson's death has created quite a furor of emotion on behalf of quite a few generations. It is understandable, given the popularity of Jackson's music with his ardent followers, the media fascination with his bizarre behavior, and the media value of any reporting on Michael Jackson. But for me, his death is not noteworthy or particularly sad. His seemingly unhappy life and death at such a young age are the tragic elements for me, not his legacy on society or in the music world nor his passing as having any effect on me emotionally. It does not.
I never "got it" when Jackson's music is concerned. I never have been nor will I be a fan of his presentations. They are as unappealing to me as much of the other pop fluff played by other popular musicians who move me not. I think Michael Jackson's dancing was innovative and showed he did possess a talent. As for his singing and selection of music, I would politely call it "mush" and leave it at that.
The child Michael of the 'Jackson Five' was cute, as little Michael squeaked with his family through the words of child-like tunes reeking of sweetness and innocence. But as Michael grew and didn't mature cuteness turned into perversion and hideousness. Bleaching his skin white, remaking his face with plastic surgery so often his nose was close to falling off (given the lack of cartilage left in it following so many operations). Ironically, Michael remade his image from cure 10 year old of the 'Jackson Family' to the far extreme as the freak of pop. The more bizarre Michael behaved the more popular he became to his core of fans. Not even multiple charges of child molestation could dissuade the fans of Michael's goodness.
Each death is a tragedy in that it lessens the human condition for those who remain alive. I see how so many people are touched and saddened by his passing, and I think those fans reflect the "do not go gently into the night" stance that shows that Jackson still fights death even after his physical death. His legacy and impact on his fans not to be quickly forgotten. But then life does not cease to be funny when people die, nor serious when people laugh.

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