Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The New Devil

I remember when nuclear energy was "the devil". All the environmental types swore it as too dangerous and potentially ruinous the the environment (if there were a power plant meltdown). We were told that nuclear energy is too dangerous. And many countries (including the U.S.) dismantled nuclear power plants or stopped plans to build them. But guess what! The devil is alive and a new devil is now on the map.
And what is the new devil? It's coal. Now environmentalists and nutty global warming types like Al Gore insist that coal will kill us all, that it is ruining the environment.....that all those things they said about nuclear power being the devil was wrong. They even call for more nuclear power plants to replace the dirty coal. But what if they get their wish? Is nuclear power really the God the environmentalists imagine?
Too, as oil prices keep going up and the undeveloped countries keep demanding more fuel for power, nuclear energy will become more prominent. Both China and India are building many new nuclear power plants. In fact, I read that there are about 1200 nuclear power plants being built world-wide, and half are being built in China. I wonder if Al Gore really should worry more about his alleged global warming, or about nuclear catastrophe from a meltdown somewhere.
I have grave doubts whether humans are causing this supposed global warming, but I know for fact that a nuclear power plant can instantly destroy the environment in much of the world, from just one meltdown. Just think! The dictators in Argentina, Brazil and South Africa have plans for a nuclear power plant. The thugs in Vietnam, Egypt and Turkey already have one. Make you feel safer or are you still worried about your global warming? Coal is filthy and polluting, but I much prefer the unstable regions, the ones without the technological capability of running nuclear plants, to use coal instead of nuclear power. Don't you agree?
Haha just a few thoughts to help you sleep better tonight...

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