Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Electronic Baby Sitters

You know what is becoming the customer baby-sitter in the U.S. these days? It's the TV. Everywhere I go in public or to transact business I see TV's as baby-sitters. The customer is supposed to quietly watch the TV as he or she waits (often endlessly) for whatever service he or she is seeking. I had my car serviced the other day and a large screen TV blared in the waiting room where I sat until my car was ready. Since I am not interested in most TV programs, even when at home, I felt trapped as it roared a program that was just...well. stupid. It would have been nice to have it on a news station, but no suck luck for me.
The car dealership service department waiting room with the TV is just one example of the TV baby-sitting I see more and more of (Well, at least it drowns out the cell addicts yaking constantly on their phones) now. I see these TV's in my bank, department stores, grocery stores, doctor's offices, and just about every service business where the customer waits. I think it reflects the cell phone mentality today. That is, people feel a need to be sedated all waking minutes in order to not be bored. It's an extension of the cell addiction society has taken to the rudeness extreme. Is this the beginning of the technology take-over? Do we have to be baby-sat by some form of technology to get through the moment?
It's just another distraction from what people should be doing when in public- chatting with people, reading something that informs, or just thinking? Apparently the answer is "no". Too many people feel that if not connected electronically, they will miss out on something. And sadly, the opposite is true. By being over connected electronically we miss the human elements in life that are life's true connections, the connections with other humans and our own thoughts. I think it also makes us less patient and far more rude than before the electronic addiction age overwhelmed us.
TV, the phone, computers....all that electronic "junk" we love and hate shouldn't be thrust into our faces. They should be private choices, used privately. I hope I never digress to the point where I need such constant public electronic stimulation, that I am no longer of thinking and entertaining myself in the ordinary course of my day. Do we really need a baby-sitter at all to live our lives?
But one man in Scotland would probably trade his wife for a TV. Well, after eating his wife's cooking he might need a distarction. Some husbands complain that their wives can't cook. You know...the food tastes...uh....off. Well, one Scottish woman really knows how to make her food objectionable. But she has avoided a prison sentence after she admitted putting dog excrement in her husband's curry. Jill Martin, 47, took drastic action after her marriage broke down and burst out laughing when her husband Donald started eating the poo dish at their home in, Glasgow.
She admitted to criminal "culpable and reckless conduct". But Sheriff Susan Sinclair said that she would not send her to jail because her circumstances are "quite different" than at the time of the attack. She was discharged without punishment. Hmmmmmmmmm I bet Susan's husband will check his oatmeal carefully from not on. Donald's defense lawyer said he had taken action to deal with an alcohol problem and over a period of years and felt "undermined" by Jill and had very low self-esteem."
Maybe the poo ckaes and dog urine punch have something to do with it. The couple, who were married for 21 years, have now instructed lawyers to begin divorce proceedings. I suggest that Donald take cooking lessons as well.

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