Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Less Humble And Graceful

Do you find that society is less polite theses days? I do. Everywhere in the public forum people seem to be more arrogant, less humble and convinced that having an "attitude' is a good thing. The popular culture is now a culture of attitude as movies, TV, sports, entertainment promotes the idea that having a rough edge is a good thing. Well, I am here to say it is not. I guess you need some examples.
Ok, here are a few. Take any "rap artist" (My quotation marks are an expression of my non belief in their world being even remotely artistic) and profile him ore her. They are smirk wearing, sun glass addicted, tattooed defiant, foul mouthed, promoters of social deviancy. Haha That may be the nicest thing I have to say about them. (Don't tell me Mandy likes rap music)Paris and the girls gone wild are another example of how the lowest common denominator became the ideal. Look at Britney's attitude toward her kids, that they come second and she first. That creature Lindsay Lohan's attitude is so self absorbed that while she was making a movie here in New Orleans a couple of years ago an edit existed on the set..no one was allowed to let his or her eyes meet Lindsay's! I am not sure why anyone would want to look at that drunken excuse for talent, but that edit was part of her contract in making the film.
Sports stars have become fallen idols because of bad attitude. They dance when making a basket or pint, taunt opponents and brag about how they are "number one". Is there anything less appealing than seeing an athlete wave the " I am number one" forefinger during a competition? It used to be that kids were taught humility as a virtue. Now they think of it as the sign of a wimp.
Those Tyra Banks of the world irritate me, even when not throwing their stupid cell phones at their personal assistance and maids. One would think that they would be grateful for their position in life, being allowed to pretend they are "stars" to peons like you and me. Want to be disgusted by arrogance and pomposity? Just watch the Olympic Game parade of athletes and see the athletes prancing in their sunglasses with video cameras in tow that shout, "Look at me I am a star".
Well, the popular culture now promotes crudity as virtue and humility as vice. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, is the whole world becoming French now? I never thought humans anywhere could top the French for pretentiousness and arrogance, but it's happening more and more everywhere in popular culture. Maybe that explains why kids today think being dumbed down and "cool' is equivalent to being normal. Well, it isn't and it isn't pleasant to see.
Having ranted about that I do think we have some very humble and graceful icons out there ar s well. How about these as examples of how to handle fame correctly: Michael J. Fox (He exudes kindness and grace) , Paul Newman (a lifetime of doing it all right), Former president Jimmy Carter (how can a politician be so genuine?, Brad Pitt (well, he has grown up and is responsible now), Miley Cyrus (only 15 but talented and still uncorrupted by it all) Warren Buffet (world's second richest man who has a heart of gold).
Oh well...before I forget I humbly and gracefully say..... have a nice day.

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