Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Christmas Stressors

Happy Holidays! Well, not completely. I love the holiday season but it is a time to be rushed and stressed as well as being soothed and relaxed with peaceful happy feelings. I wouldn't give up Christmas for anything and not even those few small stresses will make it anything less than ideal. According to a recent survey by Mental Health of America, the top four stressors during Christmas are:
1) Money worries- (paying for all those gifts with that empty bank account and maxed credit cards) 40% of people claim to suffer from thisone
2) Being too busy- (the obligations and social contacts greatly increase during the holidays) 34% feel it
3) Cookie and other goodie guilt- (maybe one gingerbread cookie is enough) 28% are gobbled by it
4) Relative Chaos- (as opposed to the normal chaos of our lives) 17% say too much is enoughWhat do you think? Are those the biggest stressors of the holidays? Any others to mention? I think they may be accurate about, but how aboutsome others.
Here are additional and more specific holiday stressors I hate to deal with.
- When I say "Merry Christmas" to the mall Santa and he tells me to "Suck it, creep!"
- Eggnog! What is that stuff anyway.
- Those non singing celebrities like William Shatner and Brad Pitt...who try to sing Christmas Carols on my car radio.
- Rememberences of George Bush's annual New Year resolution to "invade another country"
- After attending the office Christmas party, hearing the next morning as you walk into the office, "Security! He's back!"
- Those drunken New Year Resolutions to tattoo my entire body- All the Christmas cards I get are addressed to "Resident of the House"
- After Christmas that odd smell I notice coming from my Chimney.
- Eating the Christmas special at KFC and just knowing the chicken is really elf parts
- Those gay looking sweaters people keep giving me....I wonder if they suspect....
- Bad Christmas movies like 'You've Got Reindeer E mail"
- Those red and green bags under the eyes from long Christmas days and nights
- When even rabbis have better Christmas trees than I do
- Seeing Rosie O'Donnel in a Santa suit...ugh!
- Being trapped under the mistletoe by same sex, bad breathed kissers
Now, don't you feel less Christmas stress after reading my list? Happy Holidays

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