Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caroline Kennedy Fiasco

This morning Jane said something that reminded me of how the times are changing....and how I sometimes don't recognize changes because they happen so fast. Jane is often late leaving the house for school and i always tell her it is a minute or two later than it is to get her to move faster. Well, as she was leaving the car at the school where I drop her each morning I said. "It's 8:20..you're going to be late".
My car clock showed that time but she said that it was a few minutes a earlier. At that point I told her to ask someone to look at their watch to see who was right. Her reply. "No one at school wears a watch.That's the point of my remark....that watches are rare among kids today and probably doomed to survive the next generation. The youngest kids today use their phones or ipods or other electronic gadget to tell the time. The noble watch is disappearing. Such a sudden death...it seems somehow sad.
John F Kennedy is the former president of the U.S. that now President Barack Obama is sometimes compared. John Kennedy's daughter is named Caroline. Caroline is a lawyer and child book author, one of the few members of the famous Kennedy family to not be a politician. But recently the family maneuvered enough to have Caroline be considered to be named temporary replacement senator in a vacancy in her home state of New York. Many were outraged that the Governor of New York, who has the power to appoint vacancies pending the next election, would name Caroline so that she could have an advantage when the permanent election for that seat is held in a year or so.
Should such an unqualified person (she has never held any elective office, much less the very important Senator position) be anointed as the Senator solely because of the name and power of the Kennedy family. Too, when Caroline announced at a press conference that she wanted the seat she was so inarticulate and uninformed of the issues a Senator deals with it embarrassed any in attendance. Caroline used the infamous "you know" line more than 50 times in the short answer session reports posed to her. The film of that appeared on Yu Yube and a bigger storm about "favoritism and qualifications" has now caused caroline to drop out of consideration for the Senate seat due to "personal; reasons".
This is a victory for good government as New York will most probably have a qualified person named. Too, Caroline is free to show the voters that she is capable and deserving when the election for Senator is held next year, if that is her wish. The Kennedy family has long been overbearing and controlling. The many myths about John Kennedy endure despite the fact that he was widely unpopular as president and had only a marginal chance of being re elected had he not been assassinated near the end of his first term. How nice that their next anointed Kennedy his daughter, will have to prove herself instead of being crowned the next New York State Senator. Now that's a change the voters have got to love.

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