Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sex Bots Coming Soon

Technology is about to bring to market the usable Sex Bot. Experts say that the Sex Bot, Robots that are mostly female in appearance that are made to react sexually with humans, will be the next common thing in society. As they become more life-like mans best friend may not be a dog or a woman, but rather a sexy compliant robot. Of course there will also be male Robots made for the ladies, but women are the more sensible and emotional of the sexes. That may much farther down the line. Sigh (I am sighing because I am too old and will likely never see the Sex Bot).

Designers are already creating moving robotic sex dolls powered by speech recognition and chat "bot conversations". (Let's hope none will be programmed to see a male to turn off the football game and take Robot for some mall shopping). The biggest doubt is not the morality of sex with dolls. It's whether intimacy with robots, for example, lead to social isolation? It might be that a sexy and life-like Sex Bot who fulfills every male fantasy is preferable to a real live woman who badgers her husband to take out the garbage.

Could a too ideal fantasy Sex Bot make men more attracted to Sex Bots than to real women? And the same eventually could be in the cards as the dilemma for women who might prefer a sexy male Sex Bot to a smelly, beer swilling real live male partner. We  already see how humans of both sexes today are already too often in love with their cell phones. Just imagine a cell phone that looks like a run way model and complies to every wish and demand of the owner of it. We might become a society that is isolated from humans and addicted to robots for even emotional sustenance.

That is a recipe for psychological problems for individuals and the society as a whole. Further, it may be that allowing people to live out their darkest fantasies with sex robots could have a pathological effect on society and societal norms and create more danger for the vulnerable. Would it actually increase the desire to sexually assault live humans or reduce that threat? Who knows. (Maybe Harvey Weinstein might know the answer?)

On a more serious note, Sex Bots might become a kind of sexual therapy for people who are isolated sexually, have emotional problems preventing real  sexual relationships with humans, or physical disabilities that confine them. To be or not to be a Sex Bot user may be become the next question. I'm glad I won't be alive to see it asked.

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