Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Molesting Us With Too Much Molestation News

Have you been accused of sexual assault lately? Well, if not don't worry. There's still plenty of time for it to happen. It seems that the entire front page of my daily newspaper is a sex assault reports. Women and some men....and some of those "other sexes' are all coming out of the closet to announce that they were victims, usually at the hands of some Hollywood type or politician. Since we think so little of Hollywood and of politicians it's not entirely painful to see. But when Sulu of the original Star Trek TV show was accused of pulling down the pants of a young male model 25 years ago I was ready to aim a phaser gun at the accuser. Captain Kirk! Please bring some order to this strange new world called earth (but only if you didn't also molest).

It is a tragedy when one person sexually assaults another or when one falsely accuses the same. But I get the idea! Do I have to read of another assault? It's starting to assault me and make me think I am in danger of a Sulu attack myself. I also wonder what constitutes a sexual assault. At the moment the term is quite broadly defined. Some accusers state they were raped or groped, clearly real assault, but others complain that another person "touched me" or said "unkind words to me that had sexual references". I suspect the later is best left off the front page. Also, I prefer not to read of those incidents and instead let the district attorney of the locale where they were alleged to have happened, do the investigation and file charges when appropriate.

When news mediums become infatuated with the latest sexual assault charge they tend to forget more important news, that is news that personally impacts us all. My own standard for what is newsworthy is that which is 1) something I need to know and 2) something that affects me. The feeding frenzy on sexual abuse allegations most often fails that standard. But we are living in the excess information age, the fake news and saturated news platform era. Whatever is shocking is newsworthy now. Thanks, Internet! (note that I sighed at this point).

I do hope soon that the molestation news obsession will fade and be replaced by real news. Hey! I have an idea. Just to make the transition smooth, perhaps President Trump can claim that while in Asia for a meeting, that he was patted on the butt by the Chinese premier. pictures are need of that.

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