Monday, November 13, 2017

Haircut Havoc

As an old guy I frequently rant about bad parenting being much the cause of a world gone mad. Well, I have a single example of it today. The incident happened in Cleveland, OhioAllstate Barber College in Cleveland. While a barber in training was cutting the 7 year old boy’s hair, the woman became upset with the length of time it was taking. Uh, she reacted by pulling a loaded gun and firing three times at the slow barber. The gun did not fire. A short You Tube segment showing one of the world's worst and most stupid moms is here.

The woman complained several times before a manager came over to talk to the barber and asked if he had something to say to her. She then pulled a gun from her purse and said, “I got two clips. I’ll pop you,” witnesses said. "Clips"? I don't think she was referring to a haircut clipping. After the woman was calmed down, the barber finished the haircut and  the clip woman then left with her gun and two children. Police have tracked her down and arrested her. She has  been charged with attempted murder (and demonstrated stupidity, I hope).

The woman was getting her son's hair cut at a barber school, so you know it was for a deep discount, if not free. So a bit more patience than at a pro shop should be expected. Also, after another barber was able to calm her down, she reportedly left with her TWO children.
Mommy pulling a pistol on a student learning a trade will not go over well in family court when a judge is deciding if she should be allowed to keep custody of said children.
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I'm just glad that I never had to call that creature "mom". The Barber College is a training school that gives haircuts at avery low price. One would think the clip woman would be patient and not expect fast service from a trainee. But this is the age of entitlement, of "me first". Anyway, I hope the judge throws her in jail for a long time. The good news is her two children will probably be removed from her custody by a the judge hearing this case, at least temporarily, and given to a clip-less foster parent.

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