Wednesday, November 1, 2017

LGBT M onth

Did you know that October was LGBT month? I didn't either until seeing a commercial about it on my local TV news station. Everything and everybody today has a day, week or month set aside to recognize it. Good for the LGBT crowd they have theirs. What is surprising about it though, is that just a decade or so ago, such a thing was never mentioned in public, much less celebrated as it is today. That there is now a month honoring what the majority of the world thought was deviancy. This shows how fast social mores and folkways change in society. I suspect the internet is a key in that, given it has revolutionized the speed and ease of transferring information.

Since I am not a L, G, B, or even a T (I suspect my letter has more to do with insanity than with a sex role), I was curious enough after hearing about the month that I investigated it. I Googled the subject and immediate found an interesting site about the subject, It seems that is the official LGBT month site. It has a list of what it calls "31 icons of 2017" to celebrate their achievements. I only recognized the names of eight of them. It seemed a bit odd that the site would have to "celebrate" the achievements of LGBT people. Is that not a a way of separating them form others who are straight? Is that not lowering expectations a little?

The site says that "LGBT History Month celebrates the achievements of 31 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender icons. Each day in October, a new LGBT Icon is featured with a video, bio, bibliography, download able images and other resources." The idea I gleaned from reading more is that the LGBT wants to have its history studied like straight history is. Hmmm I wonder if there is a Hitler or Ghengis Khan in the LGBT past, and if so, would that character be studied objectively too. Anyway, a link at the site shows you how to promote LGBT people and events if you are inclined to do so.

I found quite a few other links to LGBT month, and if you Google the subject you'll find them as well. The history of the celebration is that in 1994, a coalition of education based organizations in the United States designated October as LGBT History Month. In 1995, a resolution passed by the General Assembly of the National Education Association included LGBT History Month within a list of commemorative months.

I wish them well. Every person deserves to choose the identity with which he she or whatever is comfortable. Happy LGBT month.

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