Sunday, November 26, 2017

Brain Writing

The latest proposed improvement in communication seems almost like an episode from a futuristic science fiction film. Face book is exploring a silent speech system with a team of more than 60 scientists that would let people type 100 words per minute with their brain. Yep! They want the brain to type instead of the hands or voice. Good luck to them in getting my brain to even wake up. It's asleep most of the time.

Supposedly, the technology is almost ready and in a  few years could be tested on those who are paralyzed and can not speak or move their hands. This is legit. Face book is working with scientists, engineers and system integrators from UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, who specialize in machine learning methods for decoding speech and language.

Already Face book knows too much about us. I am not sure if many people want them to read our brains and types what we are thinking. Face book is not alone in trying to merge the brain with its technology to do...whatever it is they want.  Just think if we could read what a person is thinking. I propose that all politicians be hooked up to those machines so we can finally know how much they are lying to us. But I am not sure I want Hillary Clinton hooked up. The number of lies coming from her might destroy what little brain matter she  has left. And Donald Trump's brain would confuse any truth verification system because it would change its mind every few minutes.

The bigger and more serious question is why we would want to do this? Is it not better to leave technology out of such things? Is the benefit for most of us less than the cost? I wonder if we are a technologically mad. Has technology become God to some? Sometimes human limitation is better than human excess. Not being able to do something is better than being able to do miraculous things that hurt others. What's next? Maybe a machine that wipes our butts and laughs and smiles for us?

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