Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Course Only A Left Wing Zealot Would Take

How crazy are U.S. universities these days? Forget the 'Women's Studies' courses that teach hatred if white men, never mind the left wing fascist and anarchists groups that proliferate on every campus in the U.S., with the campus enabling every one of them, don't even consider the 99% liberal rate of professors who promote an odd form of "diversity" that means conformity to leftists views. The newest trend on campus is at Butler University, a private school of some renown in Indiana. At Butler the curricular is no longer just extreme left. Now it's in outer space, teaching hate and practicing propagandizing its students.

Students at Indiana's Butler University will soon learn “strategies for resistance” to oppose President Donald Trump. Yep! It's an "I hate Trump and you better or you will fail" a University. Aren't Universities supposed to be tolerant places that never indoctrinate hateful ideas? Well, they used to be. Students at Butler paying roughly $36,000 in tuition to sign up for a “Special Topics” class titled “Trumpism & U.S. Democracy.” The course, which begins in August and runs until December, explicitly charges the Republican with “perpetuating sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism, and imperialism.”

 Wow! I hope mom and dad, who are paying for this are not Republicans. Butler's web site says that, “This course explores why and how this happened, how Trump’s rhetoric is contrary to the foundation of the U.S. democracy, and what his win means for the future. The course will also discuss, and potentially engage in, strategies for resistance.” Does that sound like a college memo or a memo from Himmler's Nazi Germany thought police?

The original official course description stated, "Donald J. Trump won the U.S. Presidency despite perpetuating sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism, and imperialism. This course explores why and how this happened, how Trump's rhetoric is contrary to the foundation of the U.S. democracy, and what his win means for the future. The course will also discuss, and potentially engage in, strategies for resistance." But those crazy leftists know what they promote is garbage. In response to significant backlash by normal people in Indiana against the university for its course, the college quietly changed the course description. It now states, "This course offers a broad historical, political, and critical communication studies approach to understanding the rise of Donald Trump as a political and social phenomenon. The course draws from the widely circulated Trump Syllabi (per the Chronical of Higher Education and Public Books) crowd sourced by some of the nation’s leading scholars in American Political Science and history, demography, cultural studies, sociology, and more.

The course will provide context and depth for student citizens as we look to historical and current texts by renowned authors as well as read excerpts from Trump’s own The Art of the Deal. Students will potentially attend, as participant observers, campus and community events to witness ongoing responses to Trump’s presidency and campaign. To instill disciplinary diversity, the course will invite faculty from across campus to guest lecture.

Those crazies are not only perverted, but they are cowards, abandoning their hate course so quickly because of criticism. A review by The Heartland Institute of the courses available at Butler University has yet to show any course offerings that present the Trump administration in a positive way that could balance out the course taught by Savage. So the modified description is just another lie. I wonder what those leftists would say if the university replaced Trump's name in the course description with Barrack Obama's? There would be a revolution on the campus! After all, leftists love free speech, until you disagree with them.

Colleges in the U.S. used to be institutions designed to teach young minds how to integrate into society with a career  direction , be productive and to encourage a spirited debate in whatever situation is presented  in order to help the student analyze objectively to help achieve the best outcome whether it be in business, government or private life.  Now Butler and practically all U.S. universities are institutions teaching hate, anarchy, PC, transgender studies, feminism, and  an aversion to  free speech when it counters the leftist agenda with facts. Our institutions of higher education are nothing more than indoctrination facilities taken over by far left professors who use their positions to teach their hate for anyone or anything that threatens their small minded world.

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