Saturday, October 28, 2017

Public Rest Room Confusion

I have a new anxiety, thanks to the crazy left wing Obamites who redefined what using a public rest room is supposed to be. My anxiety is in using a public rest room. It's because it is hard to know what the P.C. police define as proper poop and pee etiquette in choosing and using the "right" public bathroom. Forget the days of "Male" and "Female" sign age, pictures of each sex included. Today the public bathroom labels are as hard to decipher as is the Rubic cube. Now those doors have terms like "Non Binary" and "Transgender" for those people from places where kids are bring without a real sex. I think their mom or dad must have given them an imaginary sex to replace the lost real one.

So I am always a little anxious that I am in the right rest room for my sex. But there is reason fro the anxiety, like the time the 50 year old bearded man entered the same rest room as I was in, the one I thought was labeled as "Male". Hmmmm, I thought. I must have read the label wrong and had entered into the bearded, dress wearing rest room instead.  No, I didn't need therapy after that incident, and I even managed a normal pee stream before escaping that mystery rest room. But it added to the common bathroom anxiety syndrome many of us in the U.S are experiencing.  I am developing it thanks to the left wing bathroom Democrats.

After one makes the problematic bathroom selection, the anxiety doesn't end there. Strange things are happening in rest rooms these days. There are the people with cell phones chatting to invisible people while pooping installs. They speak so loudly that escaping their chatter is difficult, and for some reason the normally odd cell phone conversations we are forced to hear in public become even weirder when they are made while the cell nut is sitting on the pot taking a dump (the poo dump, not the dump of their cell abuse on us). Then there are people taking baths in the rest rooms. Maybe they are homeless, but it is unsanitary for everyone to allow it. In the old days there were "rest room attendants' to police such things The attendants would summon police and the bath houses would be closed. But in the age of P. C. everyone is allowed to do whatever they want. Otherwise, we are sexist or racist for saying the now forbidden word- NO.

The there are the "lookers", creatures who stare at the pee-er's love muscle.  It's enough to make most people escape with urine unloaded. There are also the "messy" ones. They throw paper on the floor. They urinate on it for fun. They never flush. They leave water running. Perhaps they never had a mom to teach them common courtesy and cleanliness. maybe they never had moms. They could be space aliens, f given their non human behavior. I think that if they are caught defiling a public rest room, a suitable punishment from a clever judge would be 6 months of bathroom clean-up duty. I am not sure the "messy" would be rehabilitated, but I know the rest of us would have nice rest rooms to use.

My rest room rant is getting smelly. I better do my business, flush and depart.....

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