Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Men, The Most Hated Humans

Just a brief observation today about something I see growing and growing. It's the negative characterization of males, mostly by the media, but  in all aspects of society. Today's male, minorities excluded since minorities are one of the protected groups the politically correct see as perfect humans,  is portrayed as a pretty awful human. I think that white males may be the most hated human affiliation since the German Nazi party of Hitler's day (ironic that those people were mostly white males too). To often the lie is told that if one is male he must be a “skirt chaser,” or “metro-sexuals” or a “macho men”, or  a hater and abuser of women. It's just not true that men are made in the image of Harvey Weinstein.

To make those kinds of charges against women today would be  an invitation for disaster. Yet, society seems to like to have a villain, and in the west white males are the chosen ones. It is probably because in former times white males dominated this society and excluded others legally or culturally. They discriminated against women, but now most discrimination against women is by other women or imagined discrimination. The crazy idea that there is a war on women in the United States, but that the nuts claiming that we westerners are fighting women also they love Muslims and their women hating men is bizarre until one realizes nothing makes sense in the politically correct world. The real war on women is in the Mid East, not in modern western society.

How many times in the media, for example, do you see men portrayed as good-hearted, hard-working and self sacrificing men who are just trying to take care of their friends and families? Not often, and if so the character pegged that way is an outlier, a freak.  Feminists often  paint men as evil and anti women. We are seen as "oppressors" I can understand that false images from feminists because they hate men and want to use them as a scape goat whenever it is convenient. But normal sensible women should not create false images of men. Perhaps the average women today has been brainwashed by the "I hate men" agenda.

Men have been perceived as the head of the household and women were mainly housewives. Nowadays the differences between male and female roles are smaller, however the mass mediums still perpetuates traditional gender stereotypes. The fact that they can get away with that shows that men may have a farther way to go to reaching equality than do women.

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