Monday, October 2, 2017

Communication Technology Confounds Me

I long ago concluded that technology and I are not partners in this world. Everywhere I turn there are machines, most with computer chips for brains. They stalk me to use them, mainly because to not do so is to be left in the non machine world, a place in which only a few oldies feel comfort. But I like the non technological world. I have greater control of it and a far greater ability to function in it that in the microchip universe.

I think those of us born and who lived most of their lives pre computer chip. see the world differently. We feel secure outside of technology because we both have little desire to become a slave to it, and little understanding as to how it works. Even though the VCR machine has long ago died, I never learned how to use it beyond turning it off and on. We are in a throw away technological era.

Communication technology is the technology that is most enveloping for us. It changes so fast that for many of us it comes and goes before we realize it was here. It represents speed, not contemplation and quality. The value of communication technology today is often placed on how fast it works, yet when we go too fast we miss the scenery (the world outside of that technology).

I know I am ignorant of most technology, just by the fact that if I use it I always try to find the simplest technology. My computer is still using Windows 7 and I am sure if Microsoft makes me use Window's 10 it will take me at least a year to understand a significant part of it. For me, "upgrade" is the new obscenity. I have no desire to install anything else on my computer, given it will only be more technology I do not understand, want or know how to use.

Sometimes I wonder if humans will ever revolt and spurn the communication technology that is thrust too quickly on them, finally realizes that that kind of technology controls them too much.. I know that they won't because none of us has much choice as to using this technology. It is not an option. It is an imposition. I fight it still because to not do so will mean I will live in a world that I consider superficial and unimaginative. And I will also harass others with my anti technological rants, because someone has to do it, or we will never have the option to reject it. The more advanced the communication technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. But we seems to like that.

I believe that people have too readily embraced some of that communication technology, seeking only the benefits, and ignoring the many downfalls. It's because much of that technology today does not improve our lives. When we became addicted to the technological achievements of recent years, we forget to be thrilled and amazed. We lose that great sense of wonder, of awe that makes life unique for each of us. If the whole world reads Face book, is Face book worth reading? We ignore the human elements of creativity, and imagination way too much now and I am sure that the technology that enslaves us is primarily responsible for it.

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