Monday, October 9, 2017

Filming A Jail Break With One's Cell Phone

It's time to take nominations for the yearly award of 'Most addicted to a Cell Phone'. I've got my own nomination. It's from three prisoners who just had to record their jailbreak on their cell, presumably because the world would be deprived if not seeing it. This happened in the land of the bizarre, California. What a surprise, unreality is bred faster than rabbits there. While sneaking out the three recorded their escape with a contraband cell phone and later cut a video narrating the details of the jailbreak. The 15 minute, heavily edited clip of that escape includes a voice over by one of the alleged escapees explaining the daring escape from the Orange County Jail.

“My name is Adam Hossein Nayeri,” the lead addict/imbecile says on the video. “You know, a lot of people like to credit us with some Houdini escape act all in eight minutes flat. It's an interesting myth: Three guys sneaking out of a maximum security module right after a supposed 5 a.m. count without anyone noticing.” Adam seems a little short in the literacy department. But who needs to be able to express his thoughts cogently when he has a cell phone. Cell phones are almost the equal to God!

A fool like Adam is surely going to be caught when he announces his escape publicly. But who cares, I suppose he thinks. He''ll obtain another cell while in jail, thereby fulfilling his life dreams. When nabbed Adam said,  “In reality, it is true, we did leave that mod after count. Not the one they're claiming, though, I left that module at least eight hour earlier, the night before … As far as setup goes, well, we had a duffel bag and a backpack full of stuff.” Huh?  I need an interpreter for him. But police did confirm that the three thugs used hundreds of feet of industrial grade rope, a toolbox, shoes, clothes and  more.

“But this was no secret, I mean, they knew about all this within hours afterwards,” Adam said. “I don't know why they still chose to stand with the string story, the 5 a.m. count and whatever else. I'm sure they have good reasons, they always do. They even tried to blame an innocent person initially.” The video abruptly cuts to show what appears to be the inside of the jail, with dozens of inmates in orange jumpsuits in cell blocks. The camera also briefly shows Adam's fellow escapee Bac Duong, who smiles for the camera. Maybe Bac will smile if they execute him? That might make a more appealing You Tube video than did the escape.

Anyway, I prefer to skip a  full report on the escape. Lt. Lane Lagaret, an Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokesman, declined to comment on the video saying  only that “The video released today contains footage that is part of an ongoing investigation and is consistent with information OCSD has already supplied verbally to the media,” Lagaret said in a statement. “We will not provide additional comment on a video narrative that seeks to make light of criminal actions.”

But the good news is all three are back in a prison cell, and authorities are searching them regularly in case they acquire another cell phone in prison. In case you are as addicted to cell videos of prison breaks as is Adam, here is a 54 second segment of the break.

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