Saturday, October 21, 2017

Age Of Victimization

We seem to be a society of people who think they are treated unjustly. Many say they are "oppressed" and complain constantly that whatever bad happens to them is not their fault. If they are poor it's because the rich hold them down. If they are arrested for drunk driving it's because someone gave them too much alcohol to drink. When their children fail in school it's because the teachers are lousy. If they lose a job opportunity to a person of another race or religion it's because of racism or religious persecution. You get the idea. These people, and there are too many of them, are today's imagining victims. They are the have nots in a world that says have nots should never exist.
The victim usually seeks solace in numbers and joins odd groups to fight for their imaginary causes. They find refuge and support in groups like 'Black Live's Matter', 'MoveOn.Org', 'AARP', 'National Rifle Association', 'Hispanic Federation', 'Antifa' 'The Feminist Majority', and so on. There are thousands more of these victim organizations similar kind in this country. None is reasonable and all are as interested in creating social turmoil and inequality, even anarchy, as in promoting fairness in society. Essentially, these groups are hate groups that disparage anyone or anything that is against their cause or complaint. But they are popular with the victims they recruit as members.
If one speaks out against the imagined victim or his or her special interest group there will be repercussions. If not violence and boycotts of various sort, the critic will be use an often complicit media to brand as "racist' , "sexist", "elitist", a "right or left winger" or whatever diverts the issue from fact  and instead to emotion. Victims can not be debated, nor will they listen to the other side of an issue because doing so might expose the shallowness of the imaginary member or group.  Free speech is defined as "hate speech'" when any of the spoken words are critical of the imagined victim.
But the media today loves the victim and promotes the cause of the victim at all costs. It helps media profitability to be an advocate for the imagined victim. In fact, many media outlets become partners with the victim groups, promoting and elevating their ideas as serious ones and helping the victim groups prosper. They do so with such effectiveness that today many special interest grievance groups have great control over politicians and political parties. Politicians of all persuasion are frightened of the victim groups and  ask their vote in exchange for helping them with their causes. The Democratic Party today, for example, is  especially the refuge for many crazed fringe groups who achieve success by using the Democratic Party to pass favorable legislation that the victim groups want. A good example is the transgender bathroom "rights" cause.
The use of the politics of victimization in order to achieve goals is an established success for those who complain. It is the largest counter attack in maintaining a society based on equality and fairness. It's insidious, hateful and a threat to democratic societies everywhere, but sadly, in this age of the uninformed citizen it works. Maybe someone should form a new grievance group to fight all the others.

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