Monday, October 23, 2017

Everbody Loves A Fat Man

Wow! It's not just me that is tubby. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine stated the United States had the highest number of obese adults at 79.4 million, while China followed with 57.3 million. But wait! They are fat everywhere in the world. Researchers learn that one third of the world's population is overweight Researchers  also used data from a recent Global Burden of Disease study  to learn that obesity has doubled in the last two decades in 73 countries. I wonder if more people starve today or more are obese.

It seems that we are facing a wave of obesity in both high and low income countries. That indicates that feed the multitude and modern agriculture has won the starvation war too well. How do you take those Snicker candy bars away from the once hungry but now overfed?  The 27 percent of those on Earth who are  now obese equates to more than two billion fatties. The fat problem is growing worse in the almost developed countries, like China and Brazil.  The root of the problem, is that children are much more likely to be fat now, and once fat a child usually remains fat as an adult.

Ton determine obesity a simple formula is used. It is calculated as a person's weight (in kg) divided by his or her height (in m2). It and does not distinguish weight associated with muscle from weight associated with fat and therefore provides only a crude measure of fatness. A BMI of over 30 is considered obese. More fat means a bigger chance for disease and a shorter life span. But eat too much is an addiction and that is hard to stop. To see where the obesity is most prevalent click this link that shows an interactive obesity map of the world.

You can see that Egypt, Iraq and Paraguay have among the highest obesity rates. That's odd given the poverty there. Pizza, anyone?

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