Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Corrupt Information Mediums

It's time for another rant!!! I think I am ready to make a pronouncement. A few years ago as I noticed the media was becoming an organ for the left, part of the Democratic part, I thought to myself, "At what point will the newspapers and other mediums become opinion pieces rather than impartial vehicles of news to the ignorant masses" (that's you and me)? I decided if reading the front page of a random newspaper and finding that more than 50% of the articles are opinion that the newspaper is a partisan opinion sheet. Bad news...we are at that point.

Here's a few examples  from U.S.A. Today of how a newspaper gives its opinion in the form of an alleged impartial news story; "President Trump's a liar; Now what?", "Why you shouldn't expect much from Social Security", "James Comey testimony a disaster for Trump",  "Trump supporters concoct their own Comey story". And those a few headlines. If you read the content of those and other more harmlessly entitled articles you'll read opinion after opinion, often in the form of an assumed truth. There often is a false premise on which the story is based, but that premise is assumed to be true by the author of the article.

If you look at the headlines I mentioned in the paragraph above they all are the trendy "I hate Trump and I'll lie about him to convince you to be mindlessly trendy too" category.  Any issue the liberals embrace and define (often falsely) will be so defined by the media in a shameless attempt to win favor. The public be damned! That seems to be the motto of much of the public mediums today. They basically have decided what truth is and will not allow the real truth to surface in their publications in an objective way. The biases the media has are much bigger than even to promote liberalism. They're about getting ratings, about making money, about doing stories that are easy to cover and keeping us in a confused or false state.

The media can be accessed from almost anywhere. In several ways it's lodged itself in American culture and replaced what once were common outlets of information. Television and printed words were at one time the only ways of receiving news.  Now a lunatic in pajamas can spew falsehood and hate on a social media site and be seen by more people in a day than the total number of people who read a daily newspaper in a year's time. The development of the endless Internet mixed sources of information and the expanding accessibility of unchecked information raises a  question; What is the quality of the information we are getting?  The answer is that most of it is damaging to truth and or it is an attempt to control the minds of the masses.

With cell phones committing a virtual lobotomy on many humans today it's unlikely many people will notice or understand how they are being manipulated by the communication they love so much.That is the ultimate irony.

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