Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Women Stressed Twice As Much As Men

I hear many women complain about men stressing them. Yes, some of them say I am also a stressor. Can you believe that! Maybe it's my rants about cell phones that do it. But I never thought that women were more stressed by men than we men are stressed by the female population. Alas! (I hope my exclamation didn't stress you) According to a study from the University of Cambridge ladies in Western Europe and America are stressed nearly twice as much as men. Too, those females under the age of 35 are the most stressed of all.  Hmmmm  Maybe our control of the TV remote and the fact that we leave our dirty underwear strewn all about the house has something to do with that.

The study says that women suffer mental burnout because of the stress. The National Institute for Health Research funded researchers from the University of Cambridge to review about 50 studies on anxiety disorders. It's estimated that four out every 100 people have anxiety. For every 1.9 females, one male is affected by anxiety disorders, and women younger than 35 are disproportionately affected. People in North America are perhaps the most stressed, eight in 100 people have anxiety. In East Asia, that number is three in 100.

Well, maybe we men are not the cause of the stress. After all, just watching a woman buy shoes makes me worry that she might have a heart attack from worry when making the purchase. Self stressing has to be part of the problem for women.  There are quite a few female induced reasons for their stress as well as the male stressor they like to blame for their anxiety. I also think that the competition between females is a big stress agent. We men don't compete on a personal level as much as do women. I never heard, for example, of two males who had a cat fight because an office co worker wore the same shirt or pants as he.  And what about kids? Women fret about them not being perfect while we just ignore their childish behaviors and imperfections while we practice our own. There is little stress in that.

The researchers at Cambridge say the reason for the increased stress is probably because "women tend to internalize stress more than men". Regardless of the cause of the extra female stress, the study says that anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder, can add double the burden on the lives of those with a chronic health condition. Gee, I am  glad that I was born male.

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