Saturday, November 26, 2016

More Drivel From Pope Francis

Pope Francis delivered another speech to the world and his own Catholic Church to reject "the virus of polarization and animosity" and the growing temptation to "demonize" those who are different. He made the remarks during a ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica to elevate 17 new cardinals from six continents. Did he say not to "demonize those who are different". If so, he needs to direct his statement to the progressive left, for they are the ones who do not tolerate anyone straying from left-wing propaganda about "diversity" (for the left this means "do only what I approve as acceptable or be called a "racist"). Most of the intolerance I see in the world is by the left toward those not in line with their orthodoxy.

The pope's sermon was viewed as an indictment of the populist and nationalist anger seen in countries around the world who are fighting for their national identity and for their right to regulate who enters and lives in their countries. Of course, this liberal pope is also referring to the election of Donald Trump as president of the U.S., because, well, the liberal left says that Trump is not one of them and therefore is a heretic. "In God's heart there are no enemies," Pope Francis told thousands of religious, political and civic leaders gathered for the formal induction of the churchmen into the cardinals' ranks. No enemies? I thought the "devil" was the enemy of the church. Isn't that the line we have heard and read in scripture since the beginning of the church?

Francis also lamented the tendency to "demonize" one's opponents, "so as to have a 'sacred' justification for dismissing them." Hmmmm It seems to me that the people most demonizing their opponent are on the left.  In the U.S. presidential race, for example, the left made it their whole campaign to do so, and even after their defeat continue it on a regular basis today. The also disagreeable Trump has become the new devil figure of the left and of pope Francis.

Hey Francis, how about sticking up for Christians being persecuted around the globe? You know, those Christians killed or maimed by non Christian extremists. Oh, I forgot, the 11th commandment of the left is "Thou shalt not criticize or defend against any from the left or any Islamics who threaten. "Perhaps the pope should take a look at where the extreme reactions are being emitted. It's not from traditional Christians in his church. It's largely from the secular progressives who own intolerance and practice it in the form of political correctness.

Until institutions come to terms with who are the actual offenders in this intolerance dispute we'll only continue to live in an us against them world. The reality is both the left and right are intolerant of each other these days, but the left is about 20 meters ahead in the race to the 100 meter finish line to being insufferable. The pope might be better off just letting the intolerant crowds slug it out. Preaching to them to stop is futile.

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