Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Women Not Wanted

On the "women aren't going to be pleased front" comes news from the Catholic pope that the Catholic Church's ban on women priests will stand forever, Pope Francis said  that the other day. Well, only a non married man could ever utter such words. He made the declaration in response to a female reporter asking if he thought women would one day serve as Catholic priests and bishops, noting the head of the Lutheran Church whom Francis met on his trip to Sweden is a woman.

Oops! Pope's seem not to mind their inflammatory words. "St. Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands," Francis said during a news conference aboard the papal plane on the flight back to Rome." Well, at least he blames his chauvinism on St. Francis. Why not? Hillary Clinton blames her own self inflicted problems on Donald Trump and "The Russians".

To make matters worse, the female reporter then asked "Forever, forever? Never, never?" And Pope Francis took the bait again. "If we read carefully the declaration by St. John Paul II, it is going in that direction," the pope responded. The Catholic Church teaches that women cannot be ordained priests because Jesus willingly chose only men as his apostles. And you thought the Islamic religion had credibility problems!  Anyway, those Catholics who are calling for women to be made priests claim that Jesus was only following the norms of his time when he banned females from high clerical position.

Only a pope or clergy member could get away with such blatant sexism today.
A religion created by men for men only?  Wow! That is bait hard for anyone not insulated from real life (like Francis and his Vatican brethren). Yet, Catholic dogma and theology excludes women from the priesthood . This is not going to change. It's core to the Catholic belief of our relationship with God.

No wonder organized religion is a dying institution.

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