Friday, November 18, 2016

Down With Thomas Jefferson

The stupidity of political correctness is now on full display at the University of Virginia, a great school founded by perhaps the United States greatest figure, Thomas Jefferson. Fortunately, Jefferson died more than 20 years ago gone. If alive to see the rank stupidity happening at UV he probably would denounce Virginia, the school he found and the United States. And I wouldn't blame him. Thomas Jefferson embodied the contradictions of his time. He was a slave owner, who wrote "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence. Yet, slavery was the world's most common institution, having been imported into the American colonies after Europeans witnessed it as the universal practice in Africa.

But Martin Luther King Jr., for example, was not so ignorant to hold a 19th century practice against a person who practiced it then. King regularly evoked Jefferson's words in his speeches and idolized Jefferson and the great men of the day, despite their belief in slavery. Not so the students and faculty of current day University of Virginia. A large a group of students and faculty members at the school Jefferson founded have criticized and want the current UV  president, Teresa Sullivan, removed because she quoted Jefferson in a statement she made after the election of the favorite boogie man of liberal extremists, Donald Trump.

Telling the students that they are actin like jerks for denying the free election result of the next president she advocated peace on campus and respect for democracy, writing, "Thomas Jefferson was the first American president to wrest power from an opposing party, yet he also provided a potent precedent for the peaceful transfer of power and the healing of a divided nation." Oops! Never tell a left wing fanatic to not be a hypocrite. That was the gauntlet the students and faculty reacted to. UV Assistant Professor of Psychology Noelle Hurd drafted an open letter addressed to the school's president to denounce her usage of quotations by Jefferson, due to the fact that he was a slave holder.

Four hundred and sixty nine students and faculty members, liberal sheep, signed the letter. In part it said, "We are incredibly disappointed in the use of Thomas Jefferson as a moral compass. Thomas Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves. Though we realize that some members of our university community may be inspired by quotes from Jefferson, we also realize that many of us are deeply offended by attempts on behalf of our administration to guide our moral behavior through their us. For many of us, the inclusion of Jefferson quotes undermines the messages of unity, equality, civility, and inclusivity that you are attempting to convey."

Sadly, the complaining students and faculty of UV seem too far gone, too brainwashed to ever change their mindset. A simpleton knows it is wildly unfair to judge Jefferson 200 plus years later outside of the context of his times. His admirable traits far outweigh what society 200 years later considers an evil practice. Jefferson must be judged within the context of his times, not feel-good PC policing.   But complainers have surrendered even the slightest reason to political correctness. So there it is, a classic example of the stupidity of the liberal gift to the United States, political correctness.

I wonder what those sheltered and mind controlled students and faculty are thinking now....Hmmmm..Just maybe they are mumbling to themselves. "We should invalidate the U.S. Constitution and do away with the that meddling Bill of Rights so we won't have pour feelings hurt. After all, it was all written and signed by slave owners, including Jefferson, so it need no longer be quoted or believed. What did they know anyway!"

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