Friday, November 4, 2016

Clinton Voters Are A Mystery To Me

On the eve of our Presidential election I am perplexed at why so many voters will vote for and elect Hillary Clinton as the next U.S. President. It will be a day of shame if, as predicted, she wins.  As daily revelations of unlawful, unethical, shameful information about Clinton, much of it directly from fellow confederate crooks in the Clinton campaign, shower the public, many seem not to care. They will "vote for the crook" instead of the clown (Donald Trump). This will ensure that the United States becomes, not the beacon of light it has been, but rather the dark shadow of shame and corruption that Hillary Clinton is and always will be.

My ethics tells me I could never vote for one who I know is so dishonest, disloyal and who might be the Al Capone of politics. The mafia could learn much about running rackets merely by observing Hillary Clinton and her confederates. Why will so many choose to vote for her? I wrestle with that and can only speculate. Is it the fact that the media in this country has partnered with her to sell her as acceptable? I think not entirely so, as so many revelations have come forward that only the brain dead would be unaware that Hillary Clinton is without soul but has been enabled by an almost equally corrupt media.

Perhaps all that technology that I hate, but to which most others are addicted to, has taken the voter away from reality and made them uninterested in elections, instead  interested in social media foolishness and the like trivial of modern life? No, that can't  entirely be it. I see many well informed and engaged citizens who support monster Hillary. It must be the alternate candidate, Donald Trump. Perhaps Trump is so unappealing that voters will pick the crook instead.  No, that also  it can't be the full explanation, for if Trump is a sinner, Hillary is the devil. Trump says bad things, Clinton does them.  No sane person could not see that.

Maybe it is the enticement of all those entitlements uses to win votes that will steer them to vote for Clinton. President Obama has so increased public welfare and other entitlements that most of the country is dependent on them. Hillary Clinton promises to expand them. Trump promises the opposite. I ask, are they going to elect Clinton because she gives more "free stuff" to the voters? No, I think that can't be it entirely either. Historically, the voter who votes only for the candidate who promises more freebies is too small in itself a percent to elect a welfare panderer, especially one as despicable Hillary Clinton.

I give up. Human behavior is too hard to understand. On Tuesday American voters will choose either the scandal plagued and  prevaricating Clinton or the blustering and often buffoonish Trump to be their next president. May America rest in peace after it selects either because we are all going to be losers.

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