Tuesday, November 8, 2016

National Redhead Day

November 5 was a holiday for me and a few others, but not for you. You see, November 5 is National Redhead Day. That would be natural red, not from a bottle. If there is anything we natural reds hate more than peroxide red hair it might only be Hillary Clinton  (who is not only a miserable human being but one who once dyed her hair red). According to some promoters of red hair day events National Love Your Red Hair Day is designed to empower redheads to feel confident, look amazing and rock their beauty. Red hair is more than a color, it's a lifestyle.

Red heads are supposed to celebrate their color on their day by posting photos of their red hair on social media using #LoveYourRedHairDay. Not I.  I am so old now that my red has turned to mostly dark blonde and white. There is nothing interesting about that. But I hope the red heads who like their color (I myself have never cared for the red head look) have a ball and show their colors. That's because red heads are the freaks of hair color. We do suffer the slings and arrows of reprobation. Because of our red hair we often are stared at, have our heads rubbed for luck, are thought to be odd, and even, worst of all for a natural red head....thought to maybe have colored our hair from a bottle. 
More redheads come from Britain and Ireland, especially Ireland, than any other place else on earth.  My own red hair genes came from my mother's Irish side of the family (Uncle Claude), with my paternal red coming from my grandmother's dad, a giant of a man who also had a shiny red head.  If you are a natural red head you might be more comfortable in Ireland, where their sight is so common no one thinks they are freaks. Celebrations honoring redheads are common all over the British Isles. We should have that here too, because in the United States many of our greatest U.S. Presidents were natural redheads. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Martin van Buren, Andrew Jackson, Jimmy Carter, Rutherford Hayes, Calvin Coolledge, Dwight Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy were all redheads. Maybe I should run for president too!

Some very famous people from outside of the United States have had red hair, some good and some evil. Among the many good redheads include; Elizabeth I, Christopher Columbus, George Bernard Shaw, Galileo, King David, Napoleon, Van Gogh, Florence Nightingale, Winston Churchill, King Rameses II and Marilyn Monroe (I'm male...I feel obligated to add here to the list). The evil red heads include; Lenin, Malcom X, Henry VIII, Cleopatra, Genghis Khan and Lindsay Lohan (It's fun to bash crazy Lindsay).

I tip my hat to them all and show my once red hair.

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