Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Defeat of Pure Evil

Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch is dead! Hallelujah to the American voter for sending Hillary Clinton away forever, in their rejecting her and giving their trust for pure evil. But Americans also handed the government to an extremely flawed winner, Donald Trump, someone whose campaign was premised and won on a challenge to the dishonest and unfair status quo of Barrack Obama and his politically correct affiliates. Wisely, the voters expressed their distrust in government and dismissed many of the worst of the politicians from both parties. For president, they chose a man who must be watched,  but who has promised to positively channel the voters anger, as much as carry their hopes.

He didn't merely promise change, he promised disruption. And most voters here feel we need that. After eight years of George Bush and Barrack Obama America is a place of unfairness, a nation that picks and chooses winners and losers best on mean spirited and prejudiced choices, a country where ethics have been replaced with the politically correct. My country's economy is broken, its military in shambles, the strong morality we used to preach if only sometimes achieve has been given a chance to revive. And this is not a fair country anymore.

I am ecstatic about Clinton's defeat, yet under whelmed about the disagreeable Trump's victory. But at least the United States again has an opportunity to meet real and good ideals, not illusory and divisive political correctness. The Wicked Witch is dead, and her enabler Barrack Obama will also soon be gone. There is justice, after all.

Trump's victory was a surprise ballot box silent revolution. But not all revolutions are pure. We shall see both how Trump governs and whether the leftists who hate and fear him even allow him the space to govern. Just as the right feared the end of the world with Obama's election, so does the left today fear Trump's election. The right got over it and most of the left will as well. I have grave doubts about Trump, but I have everlasting hope and renewal in that the evil Hillary Clinton has been sent packing (If we are lucky, for prison).

This is the single best and most surprising election of my lifetime. Despite the left's attempt to scare the voting public about Trump, to hoist the single most disagreeable and dishonest candidate on us (Hillary Clinton), to divide us and to corrupt this country, it was defeated. And that is good.

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