Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Which One Is The Dope?

Kids today seem less possessed in useful knowledge than ever before. Schools are dumbing them down rather than challenging them. But the ultimate in patronizing students with pabulum happened the other day in suburban New Orleans. A former teacher at Catholic Archbishop Hannan High School has pleaded guilty to giving marijuana laced brownies to two students. Camille Brennan, 31, is scheduled to be sentenced, but after hearing her reason for getting the kiddies high I suspect she east a few brownies herself.

Brownie Brennan told authorities she provided the brownies to make the students happy. Wow! With teachers like that maybe the kids will start paying attention in class. She pleaded guilty to two counts of distribution of marijuana to a student and two counts of obstruction of justice, prosecutors said. Under her plea bargaining agreement, she is expected to receive a 10 year prison sentence, with seven years suspended. She will be ordered to undergo substance abuse and mental health evaluations and have no unsupervised contact with minors.

But in a small a way can we be surprised that teachers are passing out dope to the little dopes? After all, more and more U.S. states have legalized pot. Marijuana is already believed by many to be harmless and less addictive and a better alternative than cigarette tobacco. In this somewhat ignorant society marijuana is considered a healthy drug, while fluoride in water is considered dangerous. Parents refuse to vaccinate their kids for a variety of diseases because "vaccinations cause autism". And then there are those who swear that sugar is more dangerous for kids than is narcotics. It's weird.

What teachers must do today to make learning fun. Well, at least teachers have graduated from merely giving their sexiest students VD.

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